All You Need to Know About Custom Engagement Rings
Bespoke engagement rings shine with every aspect of your personality. That’s why you should invest in a custom engagement ring. This article will tell you all there is to know...
5 TIPS on How to Find a Unique Engagment Ring for Her
Looking for a unique handmade engagement ring for your beloved? Here are 5 tips on how to find a unique engagement ring for her. Find the perfect one at Eden...
What is fine jewelry? Fine vs. Fashion jewelry: what is the difference
Not all jewelry is the same. Difference between fine jewelry and fashion jewelry is explained. Knowing the difference you will understand how to choose the right quality according to a...
Custom ring, customized ring and what is one-of-a-kind jewelry?
There are three types of individually made engagement rings - custom ring, customized ring and one-of-a-kind ring. Let’s jump in to understand the difference between it.
Lab Created Alexandrite for Engagement Ring: Questions Answered
Buying an alexandrite engagement ring might be frustrating. Since natural alexandrite is a very rare and extremely expensive stone (more than a diamond), keep in mind that jewelry industry uses...
How to Take Care of Gold Jewelry: Professional Tips
Even high quality jewelry needs a special care, whenever it's 14K or 18K gold. Knowing some simple jewelry care rules will help to keep your precious collection everlasting for generations....
How to Get Correct Engagement Ring Size | Best Practices
We bet, you want to do it right. It doesn’t matter if you are buying a ring together with your partner or want to keep it discreetly. You still want...
Family growing the Garden
Who stands behind Eden Garden Jewelry brand? Read our story.